Don't Let Your Children Become Victims!
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Angel's Child Abuse Memorial |
Almost everyone has seen adults playfully tossing infants into the
air and catching them. Growing knowledge of the development of infants’ and young children’s brains indicate,
however, that this form of play may be harmful. Infants are especially susceptible to injuries from shaking during
the first 12 months of life. (Children as old as four years of age may also be at risk of brain damage from violent shaking.)
Due to an infant’s large head and weak neck muscles, any strong
whiplash motion may cause blood vessels to tear, creating subdural hematoma (intracranial bleeding) and brain damage. Possible
results may include death, brain damage, paralysis, seizures, blindness, deafness, mental retardation, motor dysfunction,
or learning and developmental disabilities. There are often no external physical signs of trauma (e.g., bruises, skull fractures,
swelling). The only indicator may be flu-like symptoms. These same injuries often result from a form of child abuse called
Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS), which is caused when a caregiver violently shakes an infant—often when the baby won’t
stop crying. Other things that Childhelp USAŽ cautions parents against include: NEVER, EVER,EVER HURT A CHILD!