The following information is from The Inllinois Chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America!
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Teaming up to Keep Kids Safe at Home!
What You Can Do to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect in Your Community
O Educate yourself and others in your community
to help prevent abuse from happening in the first
• Call or write your elected officials and ask them to support increased funding for child abuse prevention, intervention and treatment programs.
• Contact your local school district and faith community to encourage them to sponsor classes and support programs for new parents.
• Wear a blue ribbon to show your support for child abuse prevention.
Reach Out to kids & parents in your community
• Anything you do to support kids and parents in your community helps reduce the stress that often leads to abuse and neglect.
o Offer
to baby-sit
o Donate
your used children’s clothing, furniture and toys for use by another family
o Assist
new parents and children in whatever way you can
Remember the risk factors
• Child abuse and neglect occurs in all segments of society, but the risk factors aregreater in families where parents:
Abuse alcohol or drugs
Are isolated from their families or communities
- Have difficulty controlling anger or stress
Appear uninterested in the care, nourishment or safety of their children
- Seem to have serious economic, housing or personal problems
Recognize the warning signs
• Warning signs that a child might be abused or neglected include:
- Nervousness around adults
- Aggression toward adults or other children
- Inability to concentrate or stay awake for extended time periods
- Sudden, dramatic changes in personality or behavior
-Unnatural interest in sex
- Frequent or unexplained bruises or injuries
Low self-esteem
- Poor hygiene
Report suspected abuse or neglect!